

1. Podcast: 廣播在Podcast出現後捲土重來。想要上班能量滿滿,免費又知性的Podcast絕無不能錯過。推薦:TED Radio Hour

2. Audible: 看了一整天螢幕,或即將要看一整天螢幕,通勤時別再用眼了吧!每月15美金,就能讓你重拾書本不傷眼。推薦:Atomic Habits by James Clear

3. Lynda.com: 老闆臨時要你寫新聞稿但你從沒寫過?老闆要你做一個影片提案但不知從何下手?單位沒有設計預算文宣又太醜想自己動手?這時Lynda.com就是你的好朋友。迅速充電,免驚!


  1. Accounting Accounting Foundations: Budgeting (2019/4/23)
  2. Big Data Everyday Statistics, with Eddie Davila (Updated 2019/5/17)
  3. Business Intelligence Tableau Essential Training (Released 2019/4/18)
  4. Digital Publishing: Learning Canva (Released 2019/4/25)
  5. Goal setting Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) (Released 2019/1/23)
  6. Leadership Addressing Leadership with Story(Released 2019/5/16)
  7. Office Software Excel: You Can Do This (Released 2019/4/29)
  8. Productivity Trello Essential Training (Released 2018/5/8)
  9. Video Social Media Video Strategy: Weekly Bites(Updated 2019/5/16)
  10. Web The Accidental Web Designer (Updated 2019/5/15)

阿波羅肯 apollo.b.cain@gmail.com


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