
1. Ashley KennedyIntroduction to Documentary Video Storytelling
2. Von Glitschka21-Day Drawing Challenge

在 Von Clitschka 的課程開場,他說:

Drawing is creativity’s best friend. And when I say creativity, I’m not limiting that trait to any one profession. You may be a business executive or a marketing director, an office manager, an accountant, or maybe you’re just someone looking to expand your own personal skill sets. Whoever you are, I invite you to take this 21-day drawing challenge.

In other words, I want you to flex your creative muscle for each of the next 21 days. I realize drawing can be very intimidating for those who don’t practice it on a regular basis. But have no fear, this challenge has been specifically designed so that anyone willing to try it, no matter what level their drawing skills, will be able to complete it. The next 21 days are filled with a diverse range of fun drawing challenges that will encourage your own creative thinking, facilitate you to step outside your comfort zone, and equip you to grow your creative thinking potential through the use of drawing.

Clitschka 將「繪畫」和「創造力」連線,並且把繪畫這項技能介紹給所有想學的人,明確講出「所需時間」與「你會得到什麼」的承諾,讓人毫無招架之力想要看下去。

在 Ashley Kennedy 的課程開場,她說:

Hi, I’m Ashley Kennedy. Welcome to Introduction to Documentary Video Storytelling. In this course, we’re gonna delve into defining what a documentary is, beginning by examining the building blocks of documentary storytelling on both a broad and a granular level. Then, we’ll go back in time and look at the history of the nonfiction film, exploring many of the ways that documentary filmmakers have approached the art of constructing the nonfiction narrative, as well as why they did it that way during that time. Then, we’ll take all of that foundation and look at the modern documentary, and how today’s storytellers have borrowed from the past and shaped the future of the craft.

When you’re finished with this course, you should have a good understanding of the history, role, and importance of the documentary. Let’s get started.

身為一位長期投入剪輯與紀錄片影片的講師,Ashley 採用幾組對比「歷史」與「現代」、「大範圍」與「小細節」,並在結尾點出學到「紀錄片『歷史』、『角色』、『重要性』」的承諾。

你有喜歡的線上課程嗎?也請推薦給我喔!(阿波羅肯 apollo.b.cain@gmail.com)


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